This is My New, Favorite Tote Bag

Working in the promo industry, I tend to be hyperaware of the promotional products I encounter in my everyday life. So, when I took a spontaneous trip to New York City for a weekend, I got too excited about a tote bag I saw at a farmers’ market.

But, what kind of Promo Marketing writer would I be if I didn’t tell you all about it?

My History with Tote Bags

I’m a bit of a tote bag snob. Don’t get me wrong—I own a lot of them. But, I tend to get picky with the one I make my everyday staple. Case and point: For five years now, I’ve been using the same tote bag. I wrote all about it here.

And, just for reference, this is what it looked like:

(Image via Appletree Boutique)
(Image via Appletree Boutique)

As you can imagine, a canvas tote bag tends to look a little worn down after five years, so I’ve been on the hunt for its replacement for quite some time.

The Farmers’ Market

I’m obsessed with farmers’ markets. If I’m visiting a new city, I like to make it a point to visit a local farmers’ market. Maybe it’s weird, or maybe, I just like eating twice my bodyweight in homemade cookies. Either way, it was for that reason that I made my way to the Union Square Greenmarket in New York City. While wandering through the stalls decorated to the nines in Christmas lights, it was there I saw the tote bag of my dreams.

The Tote Bag

Like a beacon of light on that cold December day, I saw her. A black tote bag with eye-catching, gradient text. I immediately dropped my conversation and made a beeline for the seller’s table. To my surprise, it was the booth for Grow NYC, the nonprofit that makes the New York City farmers’ markets happen.

Front and back of my new Grow NYC tote bag
Front and back of my new Grow NYC tote bag

The tote bag was $10 and a no-brainer for me. Plus, it made the rest of my farmers’ market shopping a breeze.

Here’s why I loved this bag:

1. The message is on-brand
Lately, I’ve been trying to incorporate more healthy eating into my lifestyle. That means, I’ve become a huge fan of all forms of squash. So, when I saw this bag listing all my favorites, I was enamored. Farmers’ markets and fresh produce go hand-in-hand, and I liked the message.

2. The graphics are on-trend
An ombre list of text and the standard four-line message is in right now. And, I really love ombre, so for pure aesthetics alone, I would have bought this bag.

3. I support the cause
As someone who loves farmers’ markets, I would be crazy to miss an opportunity to support the cause. I loved that the money I spent went to keeping the Union Square Greenmarket up and running, and the fact that I got a new tote bag was the icing on the cake.

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